Oxidative stress

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The desire to be spared from the negative consequences of old age is as old as mankind. Although our life expectancy has risen steadily over the last few decades, it unfortunately also includes the negative side effects of ageing in terms of health and quality of life.

Conscious nutrition and sensible behaviour alone are not enough. The latest findings of biological processes show the correct approach: Through prevention, holistically healthy ageing can be promoted in the sense of anti-aging and risks can be specifically influenced.

Oxidative stress accelerates aging.

Oxidative stress means cell attacks by aggressive oxygen molecules. So-called free radicals are the waste products of our metabolism resulting from the transformation of food into energy. Carbohydrates, fats and sugar are burned with the help of the extremely reactive gas oxygen.

Our body consists of about cells – the mini power plants of our organism for the formation of chemical energy carriers. Every single cell loses in every second the power over tens of thousands of such “free radicals” and causes a kind of corrosion in the tissue. Up to a certain dimension, the protective mechanisms of the cell are able to cope with these oxidizing molecules. But our modern lifestyle is helping to exacerbate the situation like never before. Pollution of the air, soil and water, radiation (including from computers, laptops and television screens), tobacco smoke and pesticides have a particularly strong impact on both aggressiveness and the number of free radicals. In addition, heavy metals accumulated in the body and the effects of stress multiply the destructive oxygen radicals to levels that cannot be defused by normal means. It is a chain reaction with the result of an increased deficit risk and thus an increased need for glutathione (GSH) to avoid significant biological damage.

The burdens of oxidative stress can be counteracted by a sufficient supply of antioxidants.

The glutathione naturally occurring in the body is the most important and strongest antioxidant. Glutathione is synthesized by the body itself, but from about the age of 40 and oxidative stress, the glutathione content in the human body decreases sharply.